Friday, May 20, 2011

Pakistan – A Haven for Terrorists?

Poor poor Pakistan! tsk! tsk! For once cornered in this game of chess by the US. Pakistanis thought they would coolly keep taking cash from the US in return for services to the Americans for the US political agenda in the region. And the Americans naively believed they were ‘purchasing’ a ‘yes-man’. Its all back-fired, hasn’t it? tsk! tsk!

What a tangled web…. US abets mujahiddins against the Russians in Afghanistan…. its greed blunders in Iraq and other oil-rich countries…. Palestinians are mere ‘collateral damage’ in the American view…. Its shocked and humiliated by 9/11. It vows and avenges…. Good for them…

The Pakistanis are sandwiched between ‘moral obligations to Islam’ and ‘image of American ally in war against terror’. Tight rope to walk on – that….

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Sunday, May 8, 2011


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So Osama is dead huh? Is the ‘war’ over then?

With terror on the doorstep of common citizens in today’s world, it is time for people to stop being sitting ducks. It is clear that terror today is basically a war of “perceived haves and have-nots” of a globalized world.
It is also euthopian to expect leaders in the western world or the islamists to stop this power struggle and thirst for dominance. Innocents are dying. Innocents are being misled. Innocents are being embittered in a hopeless war of wealth, hegemony, military might, radicalism and narrow-mindedness from either side.

It is time perhaps, both in the west and the middle-east, for common people to stop looking up to their respective leaders for a solution to this war.

What is perhaps needed is people to people outreach, more communication to understand each others’ fears and apprehensions, greater cultural exchanges, citizen awareness to shun corporates that are exploitative, teaching children the values of compassion, love for all humanity, religious tolerance and value of peace.

What is the use of all the money if you live in fear of being killed or the guilt of not deserving that wealth. And what is the use of jihad if it brands you as terrorists or killers.

Nobody grudges wealth acquired through fair practices and jihad should be against poverty, illiteracy and oppression.

To quote from Rich McSheehy's Weblog: “The U.S. has a long and checkered history of being in the oil business in the Middle East.  When Iran nationalized their oil operations in 1951, the U.S. began efforts, led by the CIA, to depose their leader. This succeeded in 1953 when the Shah of Iran was reinstated and Iran began to sell cheap oil to American oil companies again. The Shah was deposed in the Iranian Revolution in 1979 and they haven’t been very friendly to us ever since. Similarly, Saddam Hussein nationalized the Iraqi oil industry in 1972 and tossed the American oil companies out of Iraq. The U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 and captured Saddam. He was executed on Dec 30, 2006.  The Iraqi Oil Ministry is now negotiating oil deals with Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell, Total, and Chevron so that U.S. companies can pump oil from Iraq again….. The cause of the 9/11 attack is not radical Islam; it is the same as the cause for every war that has ever taken place. It’s about wealth. It’s about money. It’s about some people believing they are being exploited so badly that they and their way of life can’t survive.”

America! Stop guzzling on the world’s oil and get it through fair imports; stop invading other nations’ sovereign territory and eyeing their natural resources. Also it will be tough to give up the mantle of “American leadership is good for both America and for the world”, but remember historically all power-hungry regimes fell eventually as they always faced opposition from those who felt marginalized.

And jihadists! Stop killing innocents and start focusing on creating industries, generating employment, modernizing education and valuing freedom of choice to citizens (especially women). Will you be satisfied only after you kill all non-muslims in the world?   

Quoting from a comment on the aforesaid weblog: Americans see nothing wrong with invading other countries or Guantanamo Bay or treating non-Americans as statistics. The press refers to “casualties” when speaking of Iraqi deaths, but names every American soldier who has passed away in the line of duty. In this war, no-one’s right. Not Al-Qaeda for choosing to call this a holy struggle and hiding behind the religion of Islam. Not the Americans who invade countries on the premise of “bringing democracy” but only want to secure oil-trading rights. And neither side will stop killing until the enemy is obliterated entirely.

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