Monday, November 18, 2013


               Interesting Ideas for a Bride's Entrance

image courtesy Castaldo Studio


On her wedding day, a bride is the centre of attention. Her groom looks upon her as his very own beautiful fairy-tale princess, and she is treated like a queen by all guests. The spotlight is on the bride and her gorgeous outfit, her make-up and her jewellery. With so much undivided attention, how can she let her admirers down by making a conventional, boring and tepid entrance? Here are a few interesting ideas to make a spectacular bridal entrance on that most special day!



  1. In India, our extended clan of relatives is as important as the bride and groom on a wedding. They take months to prepare their outfits, giving as much attention to detail as the bride and bridegroom themselves! The first idea will give a select few the chance to share the spotlight.


This is how it works – Before the bride makes her entrance on the    stage or podium where her handsome groom is eagerly awaiting her arrival, she can be preceded one-by-one by other married or engaged female relatives such as an aunt, sister, sister-in-law and mother (in that order), with the announcement – “And here comes the beautiful bride! Oh this lovely lady is already spoken for by her handsome husband who is the bride’s uncle/ brother-in-law/ brother/ father! Ok, no more suspense, finally our restless groom can claim his own as his bride is finally here to relieve his heartache!”


(With the bride finally arriving after 4-5 lady relatives it will provide a lot of fun and laughter for all, apart from focussing all attention on her much anticipated entrance!)


  1. If the wedding budget permits, there is no greater surprise than having the bride arrive in a spectacular gondola from the roof above or in a moving decorated lift coming up from below the stage! The usual entrance from the side of the podium will pale in comparison.



  1. Another idea is to shine the spotlight on the bride’s entrance point and play momentous music to build anticipation of her entrance and then have a little girl in bridal outfit walk in, insisting she is the one wanting to get married! She can playfully mourn that “didi” has refused to get married! After a few moments of suspense as the drama is unfolding on the stage, the actual bride can arrive from the other side and playfully pull her groom away from the little girl! This is guaranteed fun and laughter!


  1. An idea bound to make those present misty-eyed is to have the bride’s father carry her to the podium in his arms like a baby and give her into the arms of the groom, with the request to care for her in the future like he has been doing all these years! Sigh!


  1. If the bride is the adventurous sort she can shock and awe her guests (including the groom!) by making an entrance on a motorbike (she may ride it, if she can, or be a pillion rider instead!). Similarly, she may choose to arrive on a horse or a horse-drawn carriage to loud applause! While on the subject, how about arriving on a royal elephant? Anyone?! Ok, we could easily settle for a bridal entrance in an eye-popping limousine, vintage car, sports car or a helicopter, right? Take your pick! Sky is the limit for a grand bridal entrance.



Just remember that the bridal entrance must be in accordance with the over-all theme of the wedding, whether it is – royal, vintage, bollywood, beach-wedding, rajasthani, western or any other. Even if a bride simply turns up in all her bridal refinery and walks demurely to her groom for the jaimala (garlanding ceremony), she will elicit oohs! and aahs! from all guests. That is the magic of an Indian wedding.

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