She had reached out first for her usual shade of insipid brown, then she thought, I need some extra colour, or else I will look the same as every day, confident but remote, reserved…..brown is too earthy, too serious….when I want to appear open to all communication…all discussion in the board-room….she said to herself.
Is this nude or pink better, she had paid out of her nose for these two shades from that fancy brand, because that pestering sales-girl had convinced her…..fooled her into believing the shades did wonders for her face. What had she said, ah yes, ma’am these colours will take years off your face….you will look virginal, pure, innocent, ready for your first kiss….ha! Preeto was now convinced that was a lie, because the lips were not the only part of her face. Who would fail to notice her kohl-rimmed serious eyes, which had been there-done that. Ha! Take years off my face, indeed…thought Preeto.
Ok, how about this maroon…oh no! she thought……the first image that comes to mind is of all the aunties in her colony, who seem to have made a bulk purchase of that very shade, as if it was a free offer with every purchase of Maggie noodles! But this shade had something going for it, that’s why it was so popular. It just seemed to suit the radiant Indian complexion. And with the semi-formal Indian attire she was wearing to the board-room, this colour just might do the trick.

Or else should it be this divine, diva-like, come-hither, sexy red? No! No! No! Her chauvinistic boss would be convinced she was keen on charming her way through the tricky presentation, rather than on the basis of the long sleepless nights of hard-work that had gone behind making it! Why did no-one take women wearing red lipstick seriously? SERIOUSLY!!! Phew! How exasperating of men, really! They have made being sexy, a crime for women….they are just jealous, thought Preeto, as God seems to have sadly lost his aesthetic sense, when he made their sorry species…..
That purple, or is it mauve,...whatever….shade looks promising too…..unconventional, unusual….won’t she look sophisticated in that one?.... Gosh, what if the boss thought she was turning rebellious and thought she had been hiding her true self, behind brown all this while…….what if she sent out one wrong signal with that one and lost her job….horror…how will she pay her mortgage…..chuck it! ….but its really nice…..sigh….
What had she read somewhere…. “Women’s lips are a representation of the female vaginal labia and since blood rushes to the genitals when a woman is sexually aroused, the labia are flushed with colour and that is the origin of the concept of lipstick. In earlier times, to lure prospective lovers, women would rub flower and fruit juices over their lips to send out mating signals. With modernity came chemical colours. So the colour of the lipstick became an indication of the mood of the woman, towards her sexuality.” ……. A jerk, who wrote that, said Preeto to herself….I wanna send out no mating signals…..not to that pot-bellied boss anyway….to that new marketing executive….that sexy 6-footer ‘chikna’….probably….but that’s another story…..right now only and only the presentation counts…..am I tired already….NO! the clock’s ticking…..need to get my act together…..ok I will pick this one…..AHHHHH…..not bad…..this is just right….its perfect…..right choice baby!

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